Thursday 29 November 2018

Some Helpful Tips for Solving MCQs Type Test.

These are helpful tips for solving MCQs test. Use them only if you know nothing what to do because of toughest exams.

1.     If you find like “both (a) and (c)”, then this option is true.

Major objective of School Discipline is-
(A) To ensure safety of staff and students
(B) To create an environment conducive for teaching
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

2.     Generally, among all options that answer is likely right which is longer (which has more info) than other options.

Most of scientific knowledge is the result of
(a)  Sense Perception(it is longer than other options)
(b)  Reason
(c)   Intuition
(d)  Authority

3.   If Two Options Seem Correct, Choose “All of the Above”

Example3:The reason of absence and escape from school is—

a.       Lack of interest in syllabus

b.      Poor method of teaching

c.       Ineffective

d.      All the above

Example2: Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good theory or explanation?

a. It is parsimonious
b. It is testable
c. It is general enough to apply to more than one place, situation, or person
d. All of the above are characteristics of good theories

4.     Trust your instincts: your initial answer (or guess) is most likely to be right.

5.     If you see that 2 options have similar sounding word, then you should mark one of them.

Reasoning which starts with general (universal) premises is called:

a.       Inductive reasoning

b.      analogical reasoning

c.       deductive  reasoning

d.      None of them

6.     When you feel yourself completely blank against a question, and then Tick option “C” (or less likely “D”)

7.     Solve Maximum answers even if there is negative marking. See if your answer is wrong, you will lose only 0.25 score. But if your answer is correct, you’ll win 1 score. Hence, 1 Right answer will equal to 4 wrong answers. :P

Additional information

1. Eliminate answers which you know are not right.

2. Use common sense.

3. An educated guess or an attempt to deduce the right answer is often better than leaving it blank.

4. Answers that contain words like always and never are less likely to be correct (there are very few certainties in medicine). Statements that contain sometimes, may or might are more likely to be correct esp. in social sciences.

5. Positive Choice is more workable than negative.

6. “All of the above” and “None of the above” choice, if you are certain that one of the statements is true, do not choose “None of above” or if one of the statements is false do not choose “All of above”.

7. In question with “All of the above” you find at least two statement correct, then “All of above is likely right answer

8. If two answers seem extreme, they should be eliminated, and a guess made as to the remaining answers. As an example, if the answer is to be a number, and 3, 57, 89, 1103 are the choices given, you should eliminate the 3 and 1103, and take a guess at one of the remaining choices.

Sunday 25 November 2018

FIA Inspector Past Paper 2015 Batch#02

1. Typhoid Causes infection in which part of the Body?

(A) Liver

(B) Intestine (Small Intestine)

(C) Kidneys

(D) None of the above.

2. There are How many States in USA?

(A) 50

(B) 51

(C) 52

(D) None of the Above.

3. IAEA Stands for What?

(A) International Atomic Energy Agency

(B) International Atom Energy Agency

(C) Internationally Atomic Energetic Agency

(D) None of the Above.

4. Headquarter of OIC is situated in _____?.

(A) Jeddah

(B) Riyadh

(C) Makkah

(D) None of the above

5. Word "Quran" Appears in Holy Quran for how many times ?

(A) 65

(B) 70

(C) 75

(D) None of the above.

6. President of the United Nations General Assembly elected for how much time?

(A) 1 Year

(B) 1 Months

(C) 10 Months

(D) None of the above.

7. Who was the First President of Pakistan?

(A) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

(B) Iskander Mirza

(C) Liaquat Ali Khan

(D) None of the Above.

8. How many Surahs are in Holy Quran ?

(A) 114

(B) 115

(C) 116

(D) None of the above.

9. Who is the Prime Minister of Turkey?

(A) Ahmet Davutoglu *

(B) Binali Yildirim

(C) Recep Tayyip Erdogan

(D) None of the Above.

* At that time in December 2015. Now PM of Turkey is Binali Yildirim

10. From the given options which one of the following is Renewable Source of Energy?

(A) Oil

(B) Thermal Energy

(C) Solar Energy

(D) None of the Above.

11. Earth is a ______.

(A) Star

(B) Plenet

(C) Galaxy

(D) None of the Above.

12. Deficiency of Vitamin C Causes what?

(A) Scurvy (اسقَر بُوط ۔ اسکَروی ۔ وِٹامَن سی یَعنی اسکاربِک ایسَڈ کی کَمی سے لاحَق ہونے والا عارضَہ ۔ اِس سے تھَکاوَٹ اور ہیمرَج ہوتے ہَیں
(B) Rickets

(C) Night Blindness

(D) None of the Above

13. What is the chemical name of Limestone ?

(A) Calcium Carbonate

(B) Sodium Bicarbonate

(C) Sodium Chloride

(D) None of the above.

14. What is the Chemical Name of Baking Soda ?

(A) Calcium Carbonate

(B) Sodium Bicarbonate

(C) Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

(D) None of the Above.

15. Panama Canal Connects ____ with ______.

(A) Atlantic Ocean with Red Sea

(B) Pacific Ocean with Arabian Sea

(C) Atlantic Ocean with Pacific Ocean

(D) None of the Above.

16. Which is/are the Island Countries are also member of SAARC?

(A) Sri Lanka

(B) Maldives

(C) Both A & B

(D) None of the Above

17. Who was the Finance Minister in 1946, Government of India?

A) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

b) Liaquat Ali Khan

C) Iskander Mirza

D) None of the above.

18. Bronze is composed of _____?

(A) Copper

(B) Tin

(C) Both A & B

(D) none of the above.

19. Bronze is an _____?

(A) Element

(B) Alloy

(C) Chemical

(D) None of the above

20. Who was the First President of All India Muslim League?

(A) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

(B) Sir Agha Khan

(C) Nawab Waqar ul Mulk

(D) None of the Above.

21. Shape having two opposite sides that are parallel is known as ____.

(A) Parallelograms

(B) Squares

(C) Trapezium

(D) none of these

22. Foreign Minister of Iran ____.

(A) Ali Soheili

(B) Ali Akbar Salehi

(C) Mohammad Javad Zarif

(D) None of the Above.

23. Who is the US Secretary of Defense ?

(A) Ash Carter  *

(B) James N. Mattis

(C) Bob Woodward

(D) none of these

*In 2015  Ash Carter was US Secretary of Defense. Now Current Incumbent is James N. Mattis.

24. Allahabad Address Session was held on _____.

(A) 29th December 1930

(B) 30th December 1930

(C) 31st December 1930

(D) 240

25. Saha e Sitta has how many Books?

(A) 4

(B) 5

(C) 6

(D) none of these

26. Ghazwa e Uhud was fought in which year?

(A) 1st Hijri

(B) 2nd Hijri

(C) 3rd Hijri

(D) 4th Hijri

27. Name of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) Mother's ?

A) Hazrat Aminah Bibi (R.A)

B) Hazrat Aysha Bibi (R.A)

C) Hazrat Fatimah Bibi (R.A)

D) None of these

28. Who is the Leader of the Labor Party in UK?

(A) Harriet Harman

(B) Jeremy Corbyn

(C) Gordon Brown

(D) None of the Above

29. Who is the Current President of India?

(A) Pranab Mukherjee *

(B) Ram Nath Kovind

(C) Pratibha Patil

(D) None of the Above

* At the time of Test Pranab Mukherjee was the President of India

30. Dengue Fever is diagnosed with ____

(A) Low Platelet Count

(B) High Platelet Count

(C) Both A&B

(D) None of the Above.

31. Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in which year?

(A) 2nd July 1972

(B) 2nd August 1973

(C) 2nd July 1974

(D) None of the Above.

32. Which Pass Connects the China and Pakistan?

(A) Khyber Pass

(B) Bolan Pass

(C) Khunjrab Pass

(D) None of these

33. Which Blood Group is considered as Universal Recipient?

(A) O+

(B) AB+

(C) A+

(D) None of the Above.

34 Diamond is made from which element?

(A) Carbon

(B) Gold

(C) Silver

(D) None of these

35. 3 Plugs are used in Petrol Engine. How many Spark Plugs are used in Diesel Engine?

(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) None of the Above

36. Magna Carta was signed in which Year?

(A) 1213

(B) 1214

(C) 1215

(D) none of these

37. Name the Country which don't have written constitution?

(A) United Kingdom


(D) None of the Above.

38. In 2nd Generation of Computer Vacuum Tubes were replaced by what?

(A) Conductors

(B) Diodes

(C) Transistors

(D) All are conductors

39. Asian Development Bank was established in which Year?

(A) 1960

(B) 1966

(C) 1996

(D) None of the above.

40. Asian Development Headquarter is which country ?

(A) New Delhi , india

(B) Beijing, China

(C) Mandaluyong, Phillipines

(D) None of the above.

41. Light Year is the Unit of ____?

(A) Galaxy

(B) Distance

(C) Time

(D) None of the above.

42. First US President who visited Pakistan ?

(A) Eisenhower

(B) Richard Nixon

(C) George W. Bush

(D) None of the Above.

43. How far Sun Light can penetrate into the Ocean?

(A) 100 Meter

(B) 200 Meter

(C) 300 Meter

(D) None of the above

44. Spirit of Islam was Written By whom?

(A) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(B) Syed Ameer Ali

(C) Shibli Nomani

(D) None of these

45. First Constitution of Pakistan was enforced on____ ?

(A) 14th August 1956

(B) 23 March 1956

(C) 9th September 1956

(D) None of these

46. Which of the following is most elastic?

(A) Rubber

(B) Steel

(C) Glass

(D) None of these

47. When the Objective Resolution was adopted in Pakistan ?

(A) 14th August 1949

(B) 12th March 1949

(C) 23rd March 1949

(D) None of the above

48. Name the Barrage which was first constructed in Pakistan in 1923?

(A) Sukkur Barrage

(B) Guddu Barrage

(C) Taunsa Barrage

(D) None of the above

49. East India Company was formed in which year ?

(A) 31st December , 1600

(B) 31st December, 1700

(C) 31st December 1857

(D) None of the Above.

50. Zabur was revealed on Which Prophet?

(A) Hazrat Essa (A.S)

(B) Harzat Dawood (A.S)

(C) Hazrat Musa (A.S)

(D) None of the Above

Saturday 24 November 2018

FGEI 665 Upcoming Jobs

FPSC is going to advertise the following 665 posts in Federal Govt. Educational Institutes (Cantts and Garrisons) very soon:-

Detail of posts alongwith scales and number of posts to be advertised given below.

1. SST(BS-17) 23 Posts.
2. Computer Instructor (BS-17) 129 Posts
3. Trained Graduates Teachers (BS-16) 105 Posts
4. Physical Training Instructors (BS-16)  115 Posts
5. Elementary School Teacher (BS-14) 293 posts

Total posts: 665

Note: Govt. Forwarded letter is attached with this post for your information please.