Friday 22 March 2024

9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024

9th Class Chemistry Guess Papers 2024


  1. Define Chemistry and Branches of chemistry.
  2. Difference between Chemical properties and Physical properties.
  3. Write down the name of any two elements which were discovered in early ages.
  4. Difference between matter and mixture.
  5. Define Symbol and valency with example.
  6. Give the symbol of Arsenic and silver.
  7. How does homogenous mixture differed from Heterogeneous.
  8. Write the chemical formula of Ammonia and Sugar.
  9. Calculate the molecular mass of Nitric Acid.
  10. Define Free Radical with two example.
  11. Write difference between Homoatomic and Heteroatomic molecules.
  12. Difference between Triatomic molecule and polyatomic molecule.
  13. Soft drink is mixture while water is compounds. Give the reason.
  14. Define Atomic mass unit.
  15. Difference between Cation and Anion.
  16. Difference between ion and free radical.
  17. Define Avogadro’s number.
  1. Explain the important Branches of Chemistry.
  2. Difference between molecule and molecular ion.
  3. Explain types of molecules in detail and give examples.
  4. Write five difference between compound and mixture.
  1. When and who discovered proton and neutron.
  2. What is the nature of charge on cathode rays?
  3. What are canal rays?
  4. Write two properties of Neutron particles.
  5. What is meant by Quantum?
  6. Difference between shall and sub shall.
  7. Define Isotopes. Name the isotopes of Hydrogen.
  8. How U-235 used for power generation?
  9. Define Carbonating.
  10. A patient has goiter. How it is diagnosis?
  11. Explain the treatment of cancer by radiotherapy.
  12. Five character of cathode rays.
  13. Write down defect of Rutherford’s model.
  14. What is the maximum capacity of metal?
  15. Define Isotopes. Give two example.
  1. How neutron was discovered? Write its properties.
  2. State any Four Properties of Cathode rays.
  3. Write difference between the Ruther Fords and Bohr’s atomic theory.
  4. What is Isotopes? Describe the isotopes of hydrogen.
  1. What are triads? Give an example.
  2. Define Mendeleev’s Periodic law.
  3. Difference between Mendeleev’s periodic law and Modern Periodic law.
  4. What is meant by periodic function?
  5. Define transition elements.
  6. Why elements are called s and p block elements.
  7. What is meant by Atomic Radius? Write its unit.
  8. Why does atomic size increase in a group?
  9. Define Shielding effect.
  10. Give the trend of ionization energy in a period. Also give reason.
  11. What is trend of Electron affinity in group and period?
  12. What is electronegativity? Write its units.
  13. Why size of atom decrease in a period?
  14. What is electron affinity? Give an example.
  1. Define the shielding effect. Write its trend in period and groups.
  2. Define Group and explain all periods in periodic table.
  3. Discuss any three important features of modern periodic table.
  1. Why do atoms form chemical bonds?
  2. Define single covalent bond and give one example.
  3. Differentiate between donor atom and acceptor atom.
  4. Describe at least two necessary conditions for the formation of Covalent bond.
  5. Difference between Polar and Non –Polar covalent bond.
  6. Why does a covalent bond become polar?
  7. What is meant by Metallic bond?
  8. Ice floats on the surface of water. Giver reason.
  9. Ionic Compounds are solids. Explain.
  10. What is meant by Co-Ordinate covalent compounds?
  11. Why metal are good conductors of electricity.
  12. Write down two physical properties of metal.
  1. What is Chemical Bond? Why do atoms from chemical bond?
  2. Define Covalent bond and write its types with one example of each.
  3. What is Covalent bond and describe properties of covalent compounds.
  4. What are covalent compounds? Describe properties of covalent compounds.
  5. Write five properties of metal.
  1. Define a diffusion of gas with an example.
  2. Differentiate between Diffusion and effusion.
  3. Define Standard atmosphere pressure and write its unit.
  4. What do you know about mobility of gases
  5. What is absolute temperature? Write its value.
  6. Define Charles’s law.
  7. What is vapour pressure?
  8. Convert -30 o C to K unit.
  9. Why drops of rain fall downward?
  10. Justify why Evaporation is a cooling process.
  11. Define Boiling point and melting point.
  12. Difference between crystalline and amorphous solid.
  13. Define the term allotropy with example.
  1. State Boyle’s Law. Write its mathematical expression and explain its experimental
  2. verification.
  3. Define Charles’s law and give its experimental verification.
  4. Describe three factors which effect the evaporation.
  1. Define aqueous solution. Write its components.
  2. Difference between solute and solvent?
  3. Define Standard Solution.
  4. Write the name of two non-polar solvents.
  5. What is meant by mass/mass%?
  6. What do you mean by Volume/ Volume %
  7. What is meant by Molarity? Also its formula.
  8. What is Tyndall effect?
  9. How will you test weather given solution is colloidal solution or not?
  10. Different between Collide and Suspension.
  11. Write two examples of suspension.
  12. Why we stir paints thoroughly before use?
  1. Define Solubility. Give the general principles of Solubility.
  2. Describe five properties of Colloids.
  3. Write five characteristics of suspension and colloid.
  1. Define Reduction on the basis of electron and give example.
  2. Define Oxidizing agent with an example.
  3. Define Oxidation in terms of electrons and give an example.
  4. Define Redox Reaction. Give an example.
  5. Difference between Electrolytes and non-Electrolytes.
  6. Define anode and cathode.
  7. Which force drives the non –spontaneous reaction to take place?
  8. Where do the electrons flow from Zn electrode in Daniel’s cell?
  9. Difference between Electrolytic cell and Galvanic cell.
  10. Define Corrosion.
  11. What is salt bridge? What is its basis function?
  12. Write the redox reaction taking place during the electroplating of chromium.
  1. Describe the rules for assigning the oxidation number.
  2. Explain oxidation and Reduction in terms of loss and gain of electron.
  3. Compare electrolytic and galvanic cell.
  4. What is electrolysis? Explain the electrolysis of water.
  5. Explain the manufacture of Sodium metal from fused NaCl.
  6. Define corrosion and rusting. Describe any three methods for prevention of corrosion
  1. How will you compare the electronegativity of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals?
  2. What do you mean by 24 carat gold?
  3. Any two uses of Sodium.
  4. Write down two uses of Gold.
  5. Write down two uses of Silver.
  6. Write the names of noble metal
  7. Write chemical properties of non-metal.
  8. Describe the non-metallic character in groups and period of a periodic table.
  9. Write any two chemical properties of halogens.
  10. Give chemical reaction of methane with chlorine in bright light.
  11. Write down chemical reaction of sodium with H2 and Cl2.
  12. Write the chemical reaction of methane with chlorine
  1. Define metals. Also write four chemical properties of metals.
  2. Write down four uses of Silver in daily life.

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