Sunday 28 October 2018

Classification of Educational Research

                                    Classification of Educational Research

It may be classified under two categories

(A) Types by Purpose

1- Basic Research:
It is concerned with development and refinement of theories. It is conducted in labs and uses animals rather than human beings as subjects.

2- Applied Reserch:
It is concerned with the applying or testing of theories and evaluating its usefulness in solving educational problems. It is conducted in the field under natural setting. And uses humans as subjects rather than animals. It is conducted by educationists.

3- Action Research:
It is concerned with solving practical problems through the application of scientific method. It is conducted in one or many classrooms and uses pupils as subjects. It is conducted by the teachers.

(B) Types by Method

1- Historical Research:
It is concerned with studying, understanding and explaining events of past.
There are 4 types of historical research.
(a) Bibliographic research
(b) Legal research
(c) Research on history of idea
(d) Research on history of institutions and organizations.

2-Descriptive Research:
It is concerned with describing the current status of a phenomena or subject of study.
There are 2 types of descriptive research
(a) Simple Descriptive
(b) Comparative Descriptive
The minimum sample size in descriptive research is 20% of the population.

3-Experimental Research:
In this research the effect of independent variable on dependent variable is studied while controlling relevant/extraneous variables. It involves manipulation of at least one independent variable. The minimum size of a sample in experimental research is 15 per group.

4-Casual Comparative Research:
Casual Comparative or Ex-Post Facto Research is that research in which the researcher attempts to determine the cause or reason for existing difference in the behaviour of individuals. The basic casual comparative approach involves starting with an effect and seeking possible causes. It attempts to identify cause and effect relationship. Independent variable is not manipulated in this research.

5-Correlation Research:
It involves collecting data in order to determine whether and to what degree, a relationship exists b/w two or more quantifiable variables. Degree of relatioship is expressed as a correlation coefficient. 30 subjects are generally considered to be a minimally acceptable sample size in this research.

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